目前分類:銀河聯邦 (107)

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As we survey your world we find that your personal awakening is growing stronger, and people are more ready to speak amongst themselves about Ascension. There are obviously difficulties in conveying what it is going to mean to each individual, but at least a seed of knowledge is sown and it will grow. Naturally there are plans to give out information on a wide scale, to ensure that people understand what a wonderful opportunity is being given to every single soul. There will still be some disbelief or fear amongst those learning about Ascension for the first time, but when they see others greeting the news with open arms, they will feel more assured about their future. In reality people tend to herd together and your instinct tells you that there is safety in number


tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Blossom: Hello my friends. It's quite funny how some of your 'fans' write in and comment on the fact that you keep on talking about LOVE and wondering when you are 'going to change the record' so to speak . Would you care to comment on that.


tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 We like you have had to experience delays, but as long as we can still complete our tasks as planned it does not cause us much concern. We can easily adjust to the different situations we confront, but for you it means more frustration because we cannot necessarily give you anything other than the bare details of what is happening. Viewing your activities we see so many groups grasping the mantle of freedom, and doing good work that is speeding up the inevitable end of the last cabal. We shall be there to give them a final push into oblivion, so that they will no longer pose a threat to you or us. That will be the signal for us to go speeding ahead with our mission. With the best will in the world the collapse of the economy is imminent and cannot be avoided. What you are seeing is the last desperate attempts of the dark Ones to hang on to what they still have, but their power is dwindling very quickly.



tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is relatively plain sailing now, although you will have difficult periods to cope with. However, they will be short lived and having anticipated them we will ensure that they cause the minimum of inconvenience to you. Our allies are aware of how near they are to accomplishing their objectives, and as always we are behind them. You might reflect on the fact that the physical changes on Earth have been nowhere near as catastrophic as was prophesied. Some may point at the Fukushima incident, but that was not natural but a false flag attack. In fact although there have been numerous earthquakes which is quite normal, none have had what you would call really serious consequences. We have all along closely monitored such occurrences, and have minimized the after effects.


We are still very much involved with Disclosure, and already this year you have seen much more proof of our presence than previously. It is opening the way for full Disclosure, and it will come about before the end of the year. That will mark a massive change in your collective consciousness, and take you into the New Age. As you know, we have much to share with you that will move you ahead in leaps and bounds. It will be an exciting time for us all, and the illusions that you have been living under will be swept away. From various contacts with your people over the last 60 years or so, we have gradually got you to become more aware of us. Now our presence is widely known, and there can be few people that have not heard about our craft visiting your Earth.


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tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is never too late to turn your eyes towards Ascension, and do realize that if you feel ready you are certainly at a point where you could achieve it. It requires focus and intent to go forward, but you must understand that whether you ascend is dependent on your level of consciousness. You must apply yourself to whatever your understanding is of being at O​​ne with all life, without exception. Love is the operative word that will see you succeed, but you will need to work at it so as to overcome the very human emotions that often pull you back. You have a tendency to act first and ask questions later, so a new way of responding to situations has to be found. Forgiveness is also vital when you have been the victim of someone else's actions, even if it is not attributable to you in anyway.


tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Once again hello to you. I know that it is for us to create our New World, and for me that seems to be more of how I want to FEEL in it ... when living a life that I desire for myself and the betterment of all. Yet, I thought it may be nice if you could perhaps give us some things to visualise regarding what we are working towards creating. Might help us get there a little quicker!


tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many things are coming to a head, and even disclosure may yet be first announced by unlikely sources. If it does, it will force the hand of other countries to admit what their own contacts have been. No doubt there will be a reluctance to reveal the full extent to which they have been made. However it is the time for the truth to come out, and after all much of it will simply be an acknowledgement of what is already known. No doubt National Security will be used as an excuse to hold back on information relating to agreements with Extraterrestrials, that have seen them working with the US Government in underground bases. There is also the handling and outcome of those who have been captured after being rescued from crashed craft. There is so much at stake for the dark Ones, and the truth will be revealed when the facts finally come out.


The truth is indeed stranger than fiction, you have been living in a time warp and your advancement has been deliberately held back. If the benefits of new discoveries had been passed on to you, you would have long moved through the re-growth period after the last World War. Instead you have been held to ransom by the Petroleum and Drugs Industries who have ensured that you cannot get out of their control, and have stopped any advancements to free energy and less dependence on drugs. It is not that the changes could not have been introduced, but instead those who were prepared to do it have been threatened or even worse have not dared to proceed. In time you will get to know who the perpetrators are and who has supported them.


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註:Q表示Question (問題) A表示Answer(回答)




tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

As you are undoubtedly noting, the unrest amongst the worlds population is spreading. The people are not prepared to suffer any longer for the indiscretions of the Bankers, who have caused such severe austerity measures to be brought into the countries involved. The governments are fearful of the power of the people, and know that if they persist they will be forced to find another solution to the problems. In the long run, debt forgiveness is the complete answer, but you will have to wait and see if that realization is accepted . You the people have been deliberately kept in need due to the intention to the Illuminati to make you dependent on them. This way they have been able to dictate exactly how your lives have progressed.


tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You enter another month, and look back and see how time has passed so quickly. During that period you have as Lightworkers done so much to lift the levels of consciousness, and a grand awakening is taking place. It is a great achievement against the background of the efforts of the Illuminati to distract you and create fear. You have not seen extensive arrests take place as expected, but nevertheless all the changes previously spoken about are proceeding. The delays have shown how much you have learnt, by keeping your focus upon the more important matters concerning your own evolution. It is not selfish to think about self, as no one else can prepare you for Ascension, although you can find plenty of advice.


The outer happenings are not essential to your progress, but present to you an opportunity to understand what the future holds for you. It is your entitlement that you have earnt by raising your vibrations, and reflects your greater upliftment into the Light. You cannot just decide you would like to ascend and be successful without first putting in the needed effort. It is unnecessary to absorb reams of information, although there is much available that will help your understanding. What is important is how you are inside and whether you have been able to look outwards and accept that you are All One. That will go a long way forward to helping you create a higher consciousness level.


tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The time lines are beginning to merge into the ones that carry the most energy, and are naturally strongest where people have the intent to ascend and those who do not. What you will be looking at is the result of your mass consciousness that is creating according to your wishes. Ascension itself is going to bring changes that have been divinely decreed, and are of Universal proportions and controlled by the higher forces. You do therefore create your own experiences, and Ascension will be your final one as you leave the cycle of duality, to take your place in the New Age. Events can be changed according to your speed and level of advancement, and that allows for any delay caused by the dark Ones. So we say to you still keep focused on the actual Ascension, and prepare for an input of powerful energy that you will be aware of.

時間線已開始收斂到最強烈能量的那一條上,並且自然最強烈的凸顯出那些意圖揚升和不准備揚升的人。而你們即將看到的就是你們群體意識根據自己的意願所創造出的結果。揚升本身也即將帶來那些被神聖欽點的轉變,屬於宇宙層次並且由更高的力量所掌控著。你們也因此在創造著自己的體驗,那麼揚升將成為你們離開二元性之前的最後體驗,獲得你們在新世紀中的位置。事件是能夠根 ​​據你們自身的速度和發展的層次被改變的,它允許了由黑暗勢力造成的延遲。所以我們對你們說-- 請依舊保持對於切實揚升的態度,並且為一個你們將會得到了解的一次巨大能量的湧入而準備好。

There is always going to be much discussion about how the future events will take place, as there are many different views about it. What you have been promised will certainly come about and you have much to gain from it. In fact the timing has often had to be adjusted, and you are of course now aware that some events have had to be put back. However, you will not miss out and you will pass on to a higher vibration, and benefit from the many changes that will lift you up further into the Light. The old paradigm will by then have no further influence in your lives, and you will enjoy the absolute peace and joy that comes with the new one.


tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As you are finding time is speeding by, and the prophesies of massive earthquakes and other physical happenings have in no way occurred quite as was envisioned. You can certainly take some credit for the outcome, as by bringing the Light to Earth, you have also brought calmness. It does not however mean that there will not be physical changes, as some are inevitable. By keeping the vibrations high through the coming weeks, you can ensure that you have a fairly smooth finish to the cycle. We are of course part of the reason for the way it is working out, and are maintaining what can be called a peaceful time. Yes, there are battles taking place in some countries, but these will not be allowed to escalate into a greater global war.


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tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The worldwide movement to bring about peace is gaining in support, and is helping awake others of the need to no longer tolerate the lack of compliance with your demands. Success will be yours but maybe not quite in the way you would have expected. We will certainly have a hand in it, and are allowed to assist where the Lightworkers are concerned. The main focus for the time being are the governmental changes that are needed to put the right people in charge of your future. Once one country has removed those who are not working for the people, the demand for changes elsewhere will escalate. There will be no stopping the energy from bringing down the dark Ones, and in general terms they know that their time is up.


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tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Because everything is in the now we do not view things as you do, and we see the overall picture which shows that completion of this cycle will work out as intended. Once you have ascended then you will move into a new era and benefit from the upliftment in the energies, and your greater level of consciousness. All that is due to you by way of changes that will rapidly come into being, and at last you will be free from the attention of the dark Ones. There is no place in the new dimension for anything that is less, and you will be able to feel the heightened vibrations. It will be quite a new experience to know that every other person with you is of the same vibrations, and to be trusted and honest in all of their contact with you.


tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

你已搖搖欲墜,也可這麼說,有一段相當長的時間介於這兩個不同現實之間,現在對於迅速地成為你們新現實一部分的變化其實已經發生了相當長一段時間, 沒有你這些變化就不存在、而它正從你內部開始。

tony5027 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This year has sped by and so far there have been less incidents than you might have expected. It has neither been catastrophic as many prophesied, or fulfilled the promise of changes that are to lift you up. Yet, your consciousness levels have increased quite substantially and Ascension is still assured. Looking all around it is apparent that the Institutions that have held prominent places in your world, are in stages of collapse from which there is no escape. The truth is as expected revealing much about them that shows how they have manipulated events for their own advantage. You are even becoming aware that they have had an agenda for a very long time to enslave you and gain world control. You can see how near they were to achieving their aims, and also the great movement amongst the people that have awoken to their plan and defeated it.


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