The divine schedule for humanity's awakening was established the instant your apparent separation from Reality occurred. Your Father could not let you delve into the mysteries of the unreality that you had invented, and presented as real to your collective mind, without ensuring that you could never get permanently lost there.
The Light of His Love was securely installed in each individual who chose to go with the collective into the illusion, and the timescale for your return was laid down, but with an enormous degree of flexibility built in to allow for any diversions or distractions which you might choose to engage with as you journeyed along your homeward path.
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Here we are on the verge of a great episode in your journey through duality, that will end with those who are ready to ascend leaving your present dimension. It does not mean that everything will change at once, but it will result in you being elevated to a higher dimension where you are with other souls of a similar vibration. It will ensure a life in which you experience a close harmony and joyful relationship with all souls. The harshness and confrontation you experience now will disappear for good, as those beings who cause such problems are not ready to ascend. Ascension is for those of you who have awakened to their true selves, and aspire to lift themselves up. When you can accept all others as One with you, and live your life in the manner of giving out Unconditional Love you are a perfect example of one who is ready.
我們此刻就在你們二元性旅程的最有趣插曲呈現的邊緣,這將帶著那些已經準備好揚升脫離你們當前維度的人們一起離開。當然這並不意味著所有事情都會立刻轉變,但是其結果將推舉你進入到一個更高的維度,在那裡你將與相似振動的靈魂一同生活。它會確保你們生活的體驗有種更加親密的和諧與歡樂縈繞在所有靈魂 之間。粗糙的事物和對抗的局面將因為良善的到來而消失,因為那些不斷製造問題的人並沒有準備好揚升。揚升是屬於那些已經覺察內在真我之人的,渴求提升自己。當你能夠把其他人都視為自己一般去珍愛的時候,以無條件之愛的方式去經營你的生活,那麼你將成為那些已經準備好的人的榜樣。
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Dear Ones!
We would like to discuss some details about the criteria for ascension and what will happen with your close relationships.
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Archangel Zadkiel
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Dear friends, I am your sister, Mary Magdalene. I am right beside you as your very close friend. I am not elevated above you, but one whom you know from within. Feel for a moment our deep connection – we are one, part of the same family.
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你們強烈的期待在增長,就如圍繞你們的愛之能量在不斷增長,為你們的覺醒做著準備。不要因為負面的新聞而氣餒- 戰爭,虛偽的政治與經濟,企業對環境的漠視,普遍的腐敗- 因為這只是你們早已知道的內幕被公之於眾。所有這些都需要揭露給大眾從而幫助人們理解為什麼獲得地球上的公共福祉需要發生大的改變。
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通靈:Ron Head
翻譯:Nick Chan
We come this day with further words of encouragement to each and every person who reads or hears this message. Wherever you are, whenever you receive our words, know that we are with you in this moment and every moment.
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Mytre has shared his experience of his Super-subconscious being. We will now tell you about the Super-subconscious of our Mothership. Of course, all states of consciousness intermingle within the Being of our Mothership, but just as your brain has certain areas that are more inclined to generate certain states of consciousness, our Ship has certain areas that generate certain frequencies of emanation that encourage correlate states of consciousness.
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