Within the cycle of duality you have had m​​any lives, and when you look back you will probably find that they been some of the most testing and difficult you have had. The reason is that you have gone through some of the lowest vibrations that you have ever experienced. It has meant that you felt more separated from the Source than any previous lives, and have lived largely through the instinct of survival. Those bringing Light to the Earth had the challenge of grounding it, and helping bring some balance between it and the dark energies. At times the depths of darkness were reached, and Man looked to have lost any hope of recovery.


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Beloved Ones,

The call to go within becomes ever more insistent as the energies intensify and the shift of the ages moves inexorably forward. There are crossroads ahead and decisions and choices to be made. Each of you is aware that there is no going back and that you have become living conduits of Creator Source energy. You are each a walking conduit for the Light of God that never fails and this realization is now beginning to click into your awareness. Everything that you do in your mundane lives is of utmost importance because you always stand in your Light and your integrity.

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Operators are standing by.”



Michael channeled by Ron Head

大天使邁克爾通過Ron Head 傳導 2012 9 15


原文網址: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/2012/09/15/operators-are-standing-by-michael-channeled-by-ron-head/


We would speak today on your dedication and focus on your ascension. On first sight, it would appear to be a selfish thing to do. Allow us to explain why that is not so. We could give many lines of reasoning to refute that opinion, but let us voice just a few.


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Zeroing in on just what it is you have desired for yourselves are those who have taken the initiative, who have gone the extra mile, who have persevered when others quit, faltered or allowed themselves to become distracted in a world full of distraction, complication and obstacles, all that have been placed in your path by you yourselves, for it is you who wished for these challenges to be issued to you to test your strength and to build upon your character and your consciousness, for you felt these things were very important to you on your journey. You felt you wanted and needed to be pushed to your limits. You felt that this was the best and surest way to get everything out of your opportunity of incarnation into a physical body living in a physical world living amongst others who are also here for many similar reasons and they too would be facing mountains of challenges and obstacles and their own personal distractions.

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Hooked on some bad habits and tendencies that are seemingly hard to break are some of you in your world today. ​​This was expected of some of you, as the world that you have emerged in after you stepped foot out of our door is a world filled with many of the temptations of a lower dimensional life. It is filled with many fruits of the tree of temptation, a tree that grows in many different places all throughout your lives and your planet. What we wish to do for you is to uproot, if you will, some of these trees to instead plant a flower garden where there used to be a tree of temptation.

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