轉載自 http://www.douban.com/group/topic/32398166/
It is now time that we all got busy, very busy on our mission and the reasons why we are here. We are here because we have been selected by a panel, a committee who had overseen the selection process to hand pick a team of dedicated Lightworkers to come here to this world and bring to this world changes that will see to the advancement and the benefit of every being who chooses to accept these changes here on this planet they call Earth. 現在是我們開始忙碌的時候了、忙於完成我們的使命以及我們在這裡的原因。我們在這裡是因為我們是被評委挑選出來的,這是一個專門負責親自挑選有資格來這個世界的光之工作者的委員會團隊、將會給這個世界帶來變化、至利於這個稱之為“地球”的星球中每個選擇接受這些變化的存有們。We have amassed a very large force of Lightworkers. We had decided long ago that coming here in inferior numbers to a place that had fallen so into darkness, chaos and confusion was not a very wise idea. Instead, we decided to fill our ranks with as many Lightworkers as we felt was necessary in the advent that many of you would, for a large pool of reasons, fail to adequately respond when the clarion call has sounded. It has sounded, quite a ways back in your time, years ago now . It is now 2012, far beyond when these calls began to be issued. We assisted in this process to alert and awaken all of those that had been selected for this mission so we know when the calls went out and we know how often these calls were sounded, and we thank all of our Lightworkers who helped to sound these alarm bells for their brothers and sisters to hear, to awaken and to respond. 我們已經聚集了非常多的光之工作者。我們已經決定在很久以前來到這裡、這麼一個如此墮落充滿了混亂和困惑的地方。相反、我們決定派遣我們的隊伍、我們認為盡可能多的派遣光之工作者,你們許多人出現了一個很大原因、當感人的號召已經響起時、並未能充分的回應。它已經響起、按你們的時間計算的話、幾年前就已響起了。現在是2012年了、遠遠超出了這些召喚的起始時間。我們協助並提醒著這個過程、喚醒所有那些曾被選定為這項任務的存有、因此我們知道這個召喚的發出、我們知道這些召喚時常響起、我們非常感謝我們所有的光之工作者、幫助拉響這些警鐘、喚醒和回應著他們的兄弟姐妹們。At this time, we would say that only a small fraction of you have awakened and have responded. Reaching a precise figure is a bit of a difficult task at this time, but our monitoring services have reported to us that they conclude roughly 1/3 of the Lightworkers selected for this operation have awakened. We would further say that only 1/5 of those Lightworkers that have awakened have responded to their duties. This final figure is a very small percentage comparative to how many Lightworkers that are here, and even a small percentage comparative to how many Lightworkers have awakened but have not chosen to fulfill their granted assignments. These figures will have to be improved upon if this world is going to receive the adequate assistance that it is clear they need. 在這個時候,我們會說、你們只有一小部分人已經覺醒和回應。此時要達到一定精確數字是很困難的任務,但我們的監測結果已經出來了、他們大致推斷有近1/3的光之工作者已經覺醒。我們進一步說、只有1/5的光之工作者被喚醒並回應他們的職責。對於這在裡的所有光之工作者來說這只是一個非常小的比例,甚至對於已經覺醒的光之工作者也只有一小部分人選擇要履行他們的使命。如果這個世界想要獲得足夠的援助、很明顯他們需要改進這些數據。There are many problems and difficulties here in this world. This world has been submerged deep into the depths of darkness and despair, corruption, violence, fear, chaos and confusion for so long that the inhabitants of this world cannot turn this ship around by themselves without great assistance. This is why we are here, and this is why you are here and why you are reading these words right now. It is because you agreed to assist this world and not only, and we wish to tread lightly here and not insult or stab out with words or embarrass any of you, but you are here for more reasons than to help yourselves. It is fair to say that many of you have only thought about yourselves throughout much of your lives, for this is part of your curriculum here. It is part of the experience where you were also plunged into a world of darkness, and sheer survival was the name of this song. 這個世界中存在許多的問題和困難。這個世界已經沉入到了黑暗的深淵、絕望、腐敗、暴力、恐懼、混亂和困惑了這麼長的時間、這個世界的居民無法在沒有外在大力的援助下、自己調整這餿船的航線。這就是為什麼我們在這裡,這就是為什麼你在這里以及你此刻為什麼要閱讀這些文字。那是因為你不僅同意幫助這個世界、而且我們希望謹慎處理,不是侮辱或言語中傷或使你難堪,但你在這裡除了幫助自己外還有更多的原因。公平地講、你們許多人在生活中只想到了自己、因為這是你們在這裡的課程之一。讓你體驗陷入一個黑暗的世界、僅有生存才是這首歌的名字。We certainly understand this. You have been given little support in the ways of finances and little support in the ways of health and welfare. We understand this, as this was also decreed by your Creator, that those who came here must play by the same rules as those who inhabit this planet. It would not be fair if our Lightworkers were graced with large funds to ease their lives with or health systems to restore their youth and vitality while the natural inhabitants of this planet were left in poverty to struggle and in poor health, within bodies showing the ravages of age. Do you agree with this philosophy? Do you feel this policy was and is fair? We believe it is fair, but we ask you today to share with us how you feel since it is you that have agreed to work on the 'front lines' and experience how it feels to be a human living on the 3rd dimensional planet Earth. 我們當然明白這點。你不得不操心財政、健康和福利方面的問題。我們理解這一點,這同樣是你們造物主下達的命令,那些來到這里居住在這個星球上的存有必須遵守這個遊戲規則。如果我們的光之工作者被給予大量基金來減輕他們的生活和健康系統恢復他們的青春和活力是不公平的,而是以自然的、在貧困中掙扎、與健康作鬥爭、讓年齡使身體慢慢衰老的居住於這顆星球上。你贊同這個哲學嗎?你是否認為這個政策是公平的呢?我們相信它是公平的,但我們今天請求你與我們分享你的感覺、因為它是你同意從事的“前線”工作、作為一個人類去體驗行星地球的3維度世界。You are there and we are here, and we realize you have gained such a large range of perspectives that we have not been able to achieve, and that is why we ask you to share your perspectives with us. We do not expect to have our 'heads bitten off', as you say in your world, when we ask you for your comments , after all, many of you that leave your harsh, biting, insulting and mean hearted and mean spirited comments are members of our organization, believe it or not, and many of the Lightworkers reading these words right now may also be surprised to learn that some of their brothers and sisters who are showing such ill temperament, manors and behavioral skills are actually more than their human brothers and sisters, but are team members of our organization as well. 我們與你同在,我們意識到你已經獲得了一個我們無法看到的大範圍的視角,這就是為什麼我們要求你與我們分享你的觀點。我們不希望我們的“雙手被斬斷”,用你們的話說,當我們請求你評論時、畢竟、你們許多人會留下你們嚴厲、刺骨、侮辱和卑鄙的心態並勇敢的評論我們組織的成員,無論是否相信,此刻許多正在閱讀這些文字的光之工作者也可能驚奇地發現他們的兄弟和姐妹們也顯示出這種生病跡象、領地和行為模式實際上超越了他們的人類兄弟姐妹們、我們組織的團隊成員同樣也很驚訝。This kind of ill behavior is a bit surprising, as we usually do not encounter this on our missions. Something here on this 3rd dimensional planet has changed many of you, has affected poorly many of you, and we have studied this and have reached some conclusions as to why this has occurred, but again, no one has sharper insight into this phenomena than you yourselves. So we ask you to tell us why it is that you have become the person you are today. Tell us why you feel it is your right and that you feel so free to exercise your will and insult and berate another as you do, to judge and condemn another as you do, to believe that all of your views are the only accurate interpretations of what is going on in your world . Tell us why you have propped yourself up so high in a king's chair and command to those around you as if they are your peasant servants to listen to you, to obey your words and follow your rhetoric and your hate speech and join you in the launching of assaults on others and also judge and condemn others as you dare to. 這種疾病行為是個意外發現,因為我們通常不會在我們的任務中遇到這種情況。這裡這個第三維度行星已經改變了你們許多人,已經影響到你們許多人,我們進行了研究、並得出為什麼會發生這些,但是除此之外、沒有人能比你自己更了解這些現象。所以我們請你告訴我們、是什麼促使你成為了今天的你。告訴我們為什麼你會認為這是你的權利、讓你如此自由地鍛煉你的意志、侮辱和責備著其他人、去評判和譴責其他人,相信你們所有的觀點才是唯一能夠準確解釋你們的世界正在發生什麼。告訴我們你為何有如此強烈的支撐著自己的國王寶座並命令你周圍的人、好像他們是你的農奴聽命於你、聽從你的話語、追隨著你和你的仇恨言論、加入你一同攻擊、評判和譴責別人。Please share with us today openly and honestly, 'biting our heads off' if this is what makes you feel better, as we truly wish to understand better your motivations and your inner thoughts, for again, we do not read your minds, although there is still a number of you who stubbornly believe that we invade a beings personal rights of sovereignty and free will. We say again we do not, and we never do this. We have made agreements with some of you who are members of our organization that after you incarnated we would occasionally and sparingly read a portion, not all, but a small portion of your consciousness to study and to gauge the effects on your consciousness once you have incarnated and grown up here in this 3rd dimensional world. 今天請與我們公開誠實的分享,“咬我們的雙手”如果這能讓你感覺好些的話,我們真的很希望能夠更好地了解你們的動機和你們內心的想法,再次聲明、我們不會讀取你們的思維、儘管還有一些人固執地相信我們會侵犯一個人的人身權利和自由意志。我們再說一次我們不會、我們決不會這樣做。我們與你們中的一些成員、我們組織的成員達成了協議,我們偶爾也會少量讀取你部分化身、不是全部,但只是你們意識的一小部分、來研究衡量你們在3維度世界中化身和成長的意識影響。We say again these numbers of you participating in this study are very small, far smaller than the amount of those of you who have responded to your duties as a Lightworker. We ask today for your thoughts, for we feel it is necessary for future missions to understand why on this particular mission so many of you have begun to act out, have begun to attack one another and fight amongst each other and insult and berate and judge and condemn another. This is very important, for this is a phenomenon that has not occurred on this level, not even close, throughout each and every one of our missions going back, yes our dear friends, millions of years. That is how astonishingly rare this behavior that some of you are exhibiting at this time is, and we as scientists and researchers must, because it is our duty, get to the bottom of this and find out all we can about this. 我們再說一次、參與這些研究的存有是非常少的,遠遠小於你們那些已經回應了你們光之工作者職責的人們。今天我們請求你們的想法、我們覺得為了將來的任務有必要了解、你們許多人會為這個特定的任務採取什麼樣的行動,彼此攻擊、互相爭鬥、侮辱、痛罵、批判和譴責其他人。這是非常重要的,因為這一現像從沒有發展的這麼嚴重、甚至沒發生過,透過我們以往的任務、是的我們親愛的朋友、數百萬年來。你們一些人此時展現出的是令人吃驚的罕見行為,我們作為科學家和研究人員必須、因為它是我們的責任、盡我們所能弄清真相。This is one of the reasons why we have not blocked or deleted your comments and why we have advised our channel not to block or delete even the very negative, insulting and inflammatory comments of a number of you. This is why we tolerate this behavior from you, in case you may have been wondering why no one launches back into you or merely deletes your comments that others may feel are quite unworthy and worthless, for we feel they are not worthless, although your attacks and your opinions are. What is not worthless is your behavior on the whole, as this behavior is being studied. You are being used as a 'lab rat', for you are supplying our researchers and our scientists with very important data at this time, and we invite you to please continue this wayward, negative, unproductive and uncooperative behavior, for it is assisting us to alter our selection process for future missions as we are beginning to gain a personality profile of those who have been engaging in this sort of negative behavior. 這就是為什麼我們沒有阻止或刪除你們的評論以及建議我們的通道不要阻止或刪除這些你們成員中那些侮辱和煽動性的負面評論的原因之一。這就是為什麼我們容忍你們這些行為,防止你納悶為什麼沒有人反饋給你或僅僅刪除你的評論、其他人覺得毫無意義、一文不值,因為我們覺得它並不是沒有價值、雖然你的意見帶有攻擊性。總之你們的行為並不是沒有價值的,這個行業很值得研究。你正被用作“白老鼠”、因為此刻你正為我們研究人員和科學家提供著非常重要的數據,我們邀請你繼續這個任性、消極、毫無意義、不合作的行為,因為它正幫助我們改變我們對於將來任務的選拔過程、我們正為那些已經從事這類負面行為的存有建議個人檔案。We are zeroing in on the root causes and effect of this behavior, and we now believe we are close to devising a suitable game plan that will allow the selection process for our next mission to be far more successful, where far more Lightworkers respond to their mission and an overwhelming majority of Lightworkers who do respond to this call would refrain from engaging in the behavior that some of you have chosen as your forms of communication. Again, we invite each and all of you to respond, and say again your comments are greatly appreciated even though there are those of you who may feel you are wasting your time while leaving these comments. We say to you that you are certainly not wasting your time and that you are assisting us greatly on our mission with you, and this will go far for you and it will be recorded on your work record in a very positive way. 我們將目光對準了這些行為產生的根本原因和效果,現在我們相信我們正在設計一個更適當策略、能夠為我們的下一個任務人選的挑選更加的成功,讓更多光之工作者響應他們的使命和絕大多數的光之工作者做回應這個號召避免參與這些行為,讓你們一些人能夠更好的選擇通信方式。再次、我們邀請你們每個人作出回應,你們的評論非常的受歡迎、即使有這些人可能認為你是在浪費你的時間來評論。我們對你說、你當然不會浪費你的時間、很大程度上你是在幫助我們和你的使命,這將遠遠超出你的想像、它將完整的記錄在你的工作記錄中。For those of you who are engaging in this negative behavior and ill-treatment of others we say to you that your actions and words too are being recorded and they are also being recorded and filed into your work and personal records. It is already too late for some of you, and you will not be journeying with us to our next assignment or wherever it is we shall as an organization journey to next. After your assignments are completed here you will not be left here however, for that was our promise to you; that was the deal that you agree to. You will be picked up and you will be escorted back to your original home on a planet somewhere in this universe. This we assure you. We will not allow our Lightworkers to be left here to age and to die on this planet, to be left bodiless as you soar from this lower dimensional world. This we do not do. We honor our commitments and our agreements with all of our brothers and sisters, even if there are those of you today who are not honoring your commitment, as is the case with those who have chosen to attack, insult, ridicule and defame their own brothers and sisters, their own team members of our alliance. 對於你們中那些從事這種消極行為和虐待他人的存有、我們對你說、你們的行為和言語都被記錄了下來、這些同樣也被記錄在你們的工作和個人檔案中。這對你們一些人來說已經太晚了、你將不會與我們同行、參與下一個任務或無論如何也不會為我們組織的一份子參與下一個旅程。當你的在這裡的使命完成後、你不會被留在這裡,因為那是我們對你的承諾;這是經過你同意的。你會獲得、你將會被護送回你原來的家、在這個宇宙中某一顆行星上。我們向你保證。我們決不會允許我們的光之工作者被留在這裡老去並死在這個星球上,讓你無形的飆升離開這個低維度世界。我們不會這樣做。我們遵守與我們兄弟姐妹們達成的協議及承諾,即使是今天那些不遵守你們承諾、選擇攻擊、侮辱、嘲笑和誹謗他們自己的兄弟姐妹、我們聯盟他們自己的團隊成員的存有。These individuals will be delivered back home, and their people who see them as you see today your astronauts will learn that they have been dishonorably discharged from our alliance. Your people will understand what it is that has transpired here. Does that not make you think ? Does that not cause you to stop in your tracks and perhaps attempt to alter your behavioral patterns at all? We also wish for your thoughts about this and we are quite sure you will offer them, as there are those of you who have been very vocal, outspoken and very unabashed concerning any and all matters of our organization, our mission here and our channel as well, and we are certain you have much to say today about our message shared with you. 這些存有將遣返回家、他們的人民將把他們視為你們今天宇航員一樣,他們被我們聯盟辭退。你們的人民會明白這裡發生了什麼。難道你不這樣想嗎?難道這不會讓你停止你們的軌道、完全改變你們的行為模式嗎?我們也希望你們想想這些,我們完全相信你會相通,然後暢所欲言、直言不諱的談論我們組織、我們在這裡的使命以及我們的通道,我們可以肯定你今天有很多話要對我們說。That is all we have to share with you today, and we look forward to your comments and say to you again that all of your efforts to share with us your thoughts and your views are greatly appreciated and are doing your organization a great service. We say to you keep up your fine work that many of you are doing, for we are nearing the completion of this initial and important phase of our operation and it is now upon us to begin the next phase which will see to new assignments being issued to many of you who have shown your responsibility and your dedication to complete your initial assignments that have been given you. 這就是我們今天想要和你分享的全部,我們期待著你的評論並再次對你說、我們非常感激你們所有人的努力並且與我們分享你們的想法和觀點、你們正為組織提供偉大的服務。我們對你說、繼續良好的保持你們的工作,因為我們已經接近於完成這個初始和重要的階段,是時候展開我們的下一階段發布新任務、讓你們許多人展顯你們的責任、完全獻身於完成已經交給你們的最初使命。We are your brothers and sisters and we are your teammates of the Galactic Federation of Light. 我們是你們的兄弟姐妹、我們光之銀河聯邦是你們的同伴。原文:
http://www.ascension earth2012.org/2012/0 8/message-from-galac tic-federation-of_64 09.html
通靈:Greg Giles