通靈:Isabel Henn
翻譯:Nick Chan
My beloved children, as you could all feel now, the 10-10-Portal brings enormous amounts of energy to Earth. Even more than with the previous portals. Your bodies adapt and can cope with so much more than you would have been able to only one year ago. Your bodies wouldn't have coped otherwise. Now you have an idea what you have achieved so far.
Even those of you who still sleep can feel these energies, but don't know how to identify it. They feel different than before and are confused about it. My beloved lightbearers please support them when they address you for that. Explain to them what these energies mean. Let your glorious light enlighten their hearts and ignite the spark. Share your love and your light with them. Don't impose on them but help if you are asked. I know that you will comply and fulfil my desire with pleasure my children.
You are such wonderful people and have done great so far. It now takes not much longer and then you can rest a little. After your Ascension it will be easier for you. So many helpers are waiting to build your new society together with you. The increased vibrations will help you.
Take good care of your bodies until then, they have to carry you through Ascension. Oh yes, you will ascend with your crystalline bodies, as some Lightworkers and Starseeds have done before you. They will help you as new Ascended Masters on the New Earth , Terra Nova, or in your midst, as the largest proportion has returned after their Ascension, for the love of you and Gaia.
Allow your bodies a lot of rest, more than you've done so far. Eat light food and drink plenty of water. Go into the sun, if you can to receive the information her radiation emits. Do not worry if she is covered by clouds, it is enough to be outside. You will still recieve the information, though not as directly. Especially the people who live in the northern hemisphere who now go into the darker season should take walks as often as possible. The light and the sun will keep you healthy and give your bodies nourishment and information.
Enjoy the remaining time in 3D and focus entirely on Ascension, now nothing is more important for you. Despite delays, the divine plans will be fulfilled. Our biggest concern is to enable as many people as possible to ascend up to the fifth Dimension and higher . The help that can be given to you, has reached an unprecedented level. All the Angels and Ascended Masters and your stellar brothers and sisters are ready and are already actively supporting you here. You are at no time alone my beloved children. We may be invisible to you, but we are always around you and hear your cries. No cry for help goes unnoticed. You're assured of our love and our help. Just a little bit and you're on target.
I am Lady Maria and my love for you is infinite and indescribable.