
 西藏喇嘛 ' 透視未來' 關於2012 年的外星人參與地球事件

In5D: Remote Viewing Monks See 2012 ET Intervention

Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating.


透視未來在西藏的寺廟中並不是什麼新鮮事. 幾千年來, ' 透視未來' 都是西藏文化中玄學領域的中心點. 而有些印度遊客在中國管轄區的西藏寺廟中所發現的事情是極度驚人, 極度值得警惕與令人著迷的事情!

According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.

依照這些遊客所得到的訊息, 這所寺廟透過 透視未來看到了世界的權力組織 中心正在走向自我毀滅的路徑上! 他們同時看到 --- 不會有 世界末日”! 從現在到2012 年世界強權們會一直參與各種小區域戰爭. 恐怖主義與游擊戰會是主要問題. 2010 年世界政治會有些事發生. 那時, 這些世界強權會威脅要幹掉彼此.


Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. ​​Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.



2010 2012 年之間, 這世界會變得很極端化, 而會為 ' 世界末日' 開始做準備. 很多很嚴肅的 嚴重的政治會談與協調 談判會發生, 但不會有太多進展.



In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war.


2012 , 這世界會開始移向一個完全毀滅性的核子戰爭.

And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet . Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self- destruct at this time.


但就在此時一些非常特別的事情會發生, 西藏喇嘛說, 神奇的, 不可思議的神聖力量會介入. 因為世界的命運不會在此時自我毀滅!

Scientific interpretation of the monks, statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every step of the way. They will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction.


西藏喇嘛對此的科學解釋是說 --- 非常明顯的, 外星人勢力一直在監控著我們走的每一步路. 祂們會在2012 出手干涉並阻止地球人的自我毀滅行為.

When asked about recent UFO sightings in India and China , the monks smiled and said the divine powers are watching us all. Mankind cannot and will not be allowed to alter the future to that great extent.


當被問到關於在印度和中國看到的許多UFO 的出現時, 西藏喇嘛微笑了一下說 --- 神聖的力量一直監控著我們全部. 人類無法也不會被允許做出如此重大的未來改變.

Every human being, through their current acts in life called "Karma," can alter the future lives to some extent, but changing the destiny in that large extent will not be allowed to that great an extent.


每個人類, 由於 ' 因果業障' 法則關係, 可以透過此生的行為來改變一些未來的命運, 但是要想要如此大力的去做這麼重大的未來改變是不被允許的.

Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, our technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part of "God.


西藏喇嘛還提到 --- 2012 年之後, 我們目前的人類文明會理解到 科學與科技的最後一道領域是 ' 靈性科學' 而非 ' 物理與化學'. 2012 之後, 我們的科技會轉向. 人們會學習到 ' 靈性科學' 的精髓, 肉體與精神的關係, 輪迴, 以及我們彼此都互相關連的事實. 我們都是上帝的一小部份.

In India and China UFO sightings have increased in many folds. Many say the Chinese and Indian Governments are being contacted by the Extra Terrestrials.


在印度與中國境內, UFO 被看到的次數已經倍數成長. 很多人說 --- 印度與中國政府應該正與外星生命在接觸當中.

In recent days most UFO activities have been seen in those countries who have indigenously developed Nuke capabilities.


而在那些研發核子武器的國家 --- UFO 最近更是經常被看見出現在那裡.

When asked if these extra-terrestrials will show up in reality in 2012, the answers remote viewers are giving is: they will reveal themselves in such a way that none of us scared. They will reveal themselves only if they have to. As our science and technology progresses, we are destined to see them and interact with them any way.


當我們問到 --- 這些外星人是否會在2012 現身時, 西藏喇嘛的答案是 --- 祂們會用不會嚇到我們的方式出現. 祂們只有當祂們必須現身時才會現身. 隨著我們科學與科技的發展, 我們是命中註定要與祂們會面與互動的!!!

According to the remote viewers, our earth is blessed and is being saved continuously from all kinds of hazards all the time that we are not even aware of. As our technologies progress we will realize how external forces saved us.


事實上, 透過 ' 透視未來', 西藏喇嘛說 --- 我們地球其實一直都受到加持, 而且已經從各種危險中被救了非常多次了, 只是我們自己不知道而已. 當我們的科技再進步一些我們就會知道外星人救了我們多少次了以及怎麼救的!

Posted by enerchi at 10/11/2012 11:52:00 AM



並感謝會讓我們可以盡快的見面! 向您們學習!




RL --- 關於外星人救我們的故事:

1) 許多次 ' 核子戰爭' 都因為 ' 核子武器' 啟動不了而作罷!

2) 最扯的一次 --- 一個龐大的核子彈頭在美軍嚴密的監護之下消失,

嚇壞了所有美軍. 過後又原地出現. 附帶訊息: 不可以!

3) 聽說大部份核子武器都已經被外星人 ' 無效化!

4) 聽說在南北極上空, 在第四維度, 有非常巨大, 幾乎地球23 大的UFO 駐守, 調節地球南北極目前 ' 移磁極' 的速度與所造成的傷害, 所以地球一直沒發生超大規模的傷害.

5) 墨西哥灣油爆事件 --- 本來是個大陰謀要毀掉整個海洋. --- 但外星人默默替我們清理了大部份!

6) Chemtrail --- 天空中有很多施放化學藥劑的飛機在污染空氣間接屠犢我們. --- 許多空氣污染, 包括火山爆發之污染 --- 都是外星兄弟們在替我們清理!

7) 基本上, 沒有外星科技協助的國家的火箭就會像朝鮮和韓國一樣掉下來! 不會成功!

8) 外星人與地球光工們合作已久 --- 才讓 ' 黑暗政府' 的所有陰謀與分公司曝光在太陽下 --- 未來會 ' 合法' 的壽終正寢!

9) 外星人與世界各國政府之談判已經進行很久了! --- 祂們很有愛心與耐心! 處理事情與我們這種二蠻子不同! --- 是和平又高智商又合法的!!! --- 值得所有修行人學習!


星際社會的家人們為我們做了這麼多! 如果你是有血有肉的人類, 眼淚該滴下來了吧?


人類的貪婪與無知--- 多少才夠???




~~~ 請大家打開心胸歡迎祂們現身吧! ~~~

如果外星人想對地球人怎麼樣的話, 我們早報銷了!


希望大家一起發射出 ' 歡迎祂們' 的心念讓地球早日得救!


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