


“你好,親愛的家人!好了,現在你知道為什麼我問的那首詩被讀取。*因為隨著大師塔拉和拉瑪**已經雄辯地說明,我們都是一個,我們都在此一併!並且區別 - 因為這不是你的小組是下火 - 所以退後一步,讓別人說出來,根本就沒有打算把工作做好。

“我們知道你是多麼渴望有NESARA開放,正式開放的黃金時代 - NESARA的公告,正式我們的存在的通告中,你當我說你們中間,我的意思是,我們是無處不在的天空和我們正在做的著陸各種places.And,是的,我們正在把相對較小的數字在人體內登上我們的船

“舉例來說,我們已經救出這是定於滅絕飛機在乘客,我們都帶來了他人登上我們的船 - 有的出名,有的沒有那麼多這樣的一點是,這是有原因和目的的一切,我們proceed.As我們進行了多方面的,你叫什麼操作,任務,我們看到整個畫面全部once.There沒有過去,現在和未來的不同之處在於,我們可以在你的第三個維度觀察它,你所說的現實,都是一種幻覺而已。

“想想自己作為佔據最巨大的全息甲板有史以來,這是地球,你有機會創造什麼,那就是你選擇。現在,當你說:”這似乎有點牽強好吧,我不能幫助它,他們投下了炸彈在我身上。“ 那麼,在更大的意義上,在更大的視野,讓我們這麼說吧:你選擇做,你是在那一刻地球的時間時炸彈被刪除。

“你是一個志願者,你很榮幸的在那裡,在那個時候,因為你有什麼你已經得到的證詞和見證 - 從另一個側面,當然,如果你已經發生的事件中已經離開你的身體,我不是在開玩笑,我不會講笑話。這是發生!它已經發生的事情!而且,是的,是有點多了去了。

“有滅絕,滅絕 - '終端'是企業的字 - 不斷繼續,無論是實際的軍隊參與或是否是這些無人駕駛飛機,立交橋,很多時候有這些錯誤正在和傷亡比的方式更什麼那些在計算機上的另一端,被瞄準。



“現在的黑帽子是混亂和沮喪。他們終於意識到,他們不僅不會生存繼續玩一天,你可能會說,但他們的計劃被終止。這是為什麼啊?好吧,這是因為有愛的節目已經進入的地方,從愛散發程序,正在那些相愛的心的創建計劃,這是能夠超越任何差異可能被認為節目 - 在宗教的差異,社會,經濟,政治觀點和環境 - 即使是在什麼樣的星球,你來自不同!




“你知道,當你完全進入了黃金時代 - 有的已登上,有的都在很邊緣在任何特定的時刻 - 你將一個心/單介意你有你自己的心靈感應能力微調你會做的。邁向全新的生活方式,無限自由的地方。你們當中有些人會想留在地球,和一些你將利用甚至現在字面上湧入你的星球的技術自己。

“我提到,我們已經做了一些降落想想that.It不只是一個單獨的工藝品在這裡或那裡的一些工藝都可以稱之為運營商,或者 - !好吧,一些新的技術帶來者甚至有密度,使他們可以操作!哦,他們是高維,可以肯定的,但他們可以在那裡工作的人都準備好了,我們可以說,振奮的是,體驗它們。

“哦,有很多在生活的每一個方面,你可能想像怎麼回事!而你,我親愛的家人,都在那些誰是清醒的,誰是這些奇妙的,奇妙的事情聽到的最前沿,所以馬上加!如果你是一個全息甲板,你必須創造任何經驗,你選擇。所以,你不必是炸彈之下的能力。你可以在計算機上禁用,禁用所有的武器!是如何形成的一個全息甲板的經驗?!你可以在那些歡迎誰從哪裡炸彈是下降跑掉難民誰的前列。你可以說,'我在這裡幫你以任何方式,我可以,最重要的,我在這裡給你的愛!“ 你猜怎麼著,你甚至不必在那裡的肉體 - 你可以做到這一點從任何地方,你是!

“這是所有關於愛情,這是時代-黃金時代是愛時代,真正的愛情年齡地球!而且這裡發生的事情超出正如**大師曾經說過,它出去了太陽系和銀河系,它癒合等地除了地球,  獲得過的想法,有什麼樣的限制的愛情!


“你看,還有很多很多,誰在看地球和正在發生的事情在許多文明。他們是欣喜,因為人們醒來,打開自己的LoveLights!並且這是什麼做的是造成地球甚至上升更多 - 讓我們只說遠離所有的節目,束縛,3D的奴役,而進入的認識水平較高,因此,溝通。

“因此,這是我們只是簡單的說了一遍,在JOIN !!!發送的愛情能量。如果你能,支持,參與,遊行,提高你的聲音。請願書上簽名,但總是從更高的角度,這是不。法官或持有犯在人體內的任何其他作為,無論是變相與否,是看與所有在感恩與有種平靜的說:“謝謝你給我看,我給我的愛 - 這個特殊態度或事件或表達式 - 都抬不起來了愛情“!不,你不能改變剛才發生的事情,不一定,但你可以說出感謝所有參與,你可以說,“Ho'oponopono,我和你在一起,我算是和你在一起,我覺得你的痛苦。” 好吧,你不想參加的痛苦,你可以說,'我理解你的痛苦,我請你舉起!

“有很多很多的方式,你可以表達,但總是做一個充滿愛的心,一個充滿愛的心,從會心未來 - 實現,驗收和絕對知道 - 我們都是一家!而且這是一起,我們正在促進,支持和創造地球的進入維度,其中只有愛存在的更高層次!


“因此,讓我們一起,讓我們提高我們的聲音,我們的表達式之一,我們非常感謝你非常非常多-無限-事實上,能在這本收集和進入這個意識還有那些在你們中間誰實際上,通過看世界,我們可以說,一個更高層次的視野,即使是現在,   而在時刻來了,這是我們對您的時間表愛的流露巨大的,它帶來的最黑暗的光看!地方

“我會告訴你這個,這是事實-一個科學,精神其實當你走到一起,因為我們做我們這些聚會阿斯塔的,在路上,當你的項目有圈圈的最高能量的表現-即,你加入我們,你加入與偉大的心,在一個大家都和這種能量,我們提出的總和的頭腦遠比如果你要加起來我們每個人都在參與更大!想想看-無限的人,就作了,無限的愛,無限的光,對焦在一起指數更強大的比,如果每個人都獨自重點!  而這,摯愛,為您提供了一個很好的理由聚在一起,如果有。是不是一在人體內,在你靈感的時刻與你的加入,則在我們打電話,我們會提高你的表現水平無限,因為你加入的一個大家都!


©阿西塔在路上出版物2004-2015年。版權所有; 然而,這是一個禮物,我們所有的人,它可以自由地在所有認證被確認的條件,並沒有部分被更改或刪除分配。

Ashtar: "We Are All One!"

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, January 27, 2015

"Greetings, Beloved Family!  Well, now you know why I asked that that poem be read.*  Because as the Masters Tara and Rama** have so eloquently stated, we are all One and we’re all in this together!  And to distinguish - because it is not your group which is under fire - therefore to stand back and let someone else speak up, is simply not going to get the job done.

"We know how anxious you are to have NESARA open, officially open, the Golden Age - the Announcement of NESARA, the Announcement officially of our presence among you.  And when I say among you, I do mean that we are everywhere in your skies, and we are doing landings in various places.And, yes, we are bringing relatively small numbers of those in human bodies aboard our ships

"For instance, we have rescued the passengers upon an airplane which was scheduled for extinction, and we have brought others aboard our ships - some famous, some not so much so.  The point is, there is a reason and a purpose to everything as we proceed.As we perform the various, what you call operations, missions, we see the whole picture all at once.There is no past, present and future except that we can observe it in your third dimensional, what you call reality, which is all an illusion anyway.

"Just think of yourselves as occupying the most gigantic holodeck ever, which is Planet Earth, and that you have the opportunity to create whatever it is that you choose.  Now that might seem a little far-fetched when you say, 'Well, I can’t help it that they dropped the bomb on me.'  Well, in the greater sense, in the larger perspective, let’s put it this way:  You chose to be where you were in that moment in Earth time when that bomb was dropped.

"And you were a volunteer and you are honored for being there at that time because what have you got?  You have got testimony and witness - from the other side, of course, if you have happened to have left your body during the incident  and I am not being facetious and I am not telling jokes.  This is happening!It has been happening!  And, yes, there is a bit more to go.

"There are extinctions, exterminations - 'terminations' is the corporate word - going on continuously, whether it be actual armies engaging or whether it is these drones, flyovers.  And many times there are these mistakes being made and the casualties are way more than what those on the other end of the computers were aiming for.

"So, where does guilt lie anyway in all of this?  Is it on the perpetrators of the plan to drop the bombs?  Is it on the bombers themselves?  Is it upon the ones who manufactured the bombs?Or the drone planes,  or is it on the part of the ones who were, oh, doing some dark hat kinds of deeds?  Is it on the children who just happened to get in the way?

"Well, NOBODY is to feel guilty!!!  Everybody is forgiven and everybody is honored for what they have played as a role in this.Remember, this is a holodeck, a holodeck of an infinite number of dramas.  Yes, it’s very dramatic!  But what is the purpose of all of this anyway?  It is to wake everybody up!  Everybody!

"Now the dark hats are in disarray and discouragement.  They are finally realizing that not only are they not going to survive to continue to play another day, you might say, but their programs are being terminated.  Why is this, anyway?  Well, it’s because there are programs of Love already coming into place, programs that emanate from Love, programs that are being created by those of loving hearts, programs that are being able to rise above whatever differences might be perceived – differences in religion, social, economic, political views and circumstances – differences even in what planet you came from!!!

"And those that understand that it is to group together and to speak together are moving into, shall we say, the prevailing energies and attitudes on Planet Earth.  We can see all of this very clearly!  It's a trend.  If you want a live video demonstration of this, go back to the march that was held in France, Je Suis Charlie.  You all know that.  Well, my French might not be quite as it is in my ears, but you know, but it’s coming through a translator who doesn’t know much French.

"But that was a spirit, an energy that brought those people out into the streets, never mind the weather.  They were TOGETHER!And they created a standing together which was color-blind.Nobody had any kind of recognition that there was somebody standing next to them with a different skin color, or a different religion, because that was not the purpose.  It was a solidarity coming together, an event of raising the consciousness!

"It’s been a while on Planet Earth since the consciousness was that high.  As the matter of fact, the consciousness for this event went even higher than the event called 9-11, because more people are awake and because more people understand the necessity of acting as One!!!

"You know, when you get fully into the Golden Age - and some have already ascended, some are on the very verge in any given moment - you will be One Heart/One Mind.  You will have your telepathic capabilities finely tuned.  You will be moving into whole new lifestyles, areas of unbounded Freedom.  Some of you will want to remain upon Planet Earth, and some of you will avail yourselves of the technology which even now is literally flooding into your Planet.

"I mentioned that we have done some landings.  Think about that.It’s not just an individual craft here or there!  Some of the craft are what you might call carriers, or – well, bringers of some new technologies which even have density so that they can operate!Oh, they’re Higher Dimensional, to be sure, but they can operate where people are ready, shall we say, uplifted enough, to experience them.

"Oh, there’s a lot going on in every aspect of life that you could possibly imagine!  And you, my Beloved Family, are in the forefront of those who are awake, who are hearing of these wondrous, wondrous things.  So jump right in!!!  When you are on a holodeck, you have the ability to create whatever experience you choose.  So you don’t have to be underneath the bomb.  You can be at a disabling computer, disabling all of the weapons!How’s that for a holodeck experience?!  You can be in the forefront of those who welcome the refugees who have run away from where the bombs are dropping.  And you can say, 'I am here to help you in any way that I can and most of all, I’m here to give you Love!'  And guess what, you don’t even have to be there in physicality - you can do that from anywhere that you are!!!

"It’s all about Love and this is the era - the Golden Age is the Love Age, the true Love Age for Planet Earth!!!And what happens here goes out.  Just as the Masters** have said, it goes out to the solar system and the galaxy.  It HEALS other places in addition to Planet Earth.  Get over the idea that there is any kind of limit to Love!!!

"If you shower Planet Earth with Love, it can’t help but go beyond, clear out to the very, shall we say, the very boundaries of the Universe.  And it is NOT DIMINISHED!!!  Its power does not diminish.  As a matter of fact it grows. because others from other places join in and say, 'Oh, look at that LoveLight that’s coming our way.  Let’s enhance it!  Let’s add to it!'

"See, there are many, many, many civilizations who are watching Planet Earth and what is going on.  And they are in rejoicing as people wake up and turn on their own LoveLights!  And what this is doing is causing Planet Earth to rise even more - let’s just say away from all of the programs, the shackles, the enslavements of 3D and into higher levels of understanding and, thus, communication.

"And so it is that we just simply say once more, JOIN IN!!!  Send the Love Energies.  If you can, support, join, march, raise your voices.  Sign petitions but always from the Higher Perspective.  It is not to judge or hold guilty any other being in human body, be they in disguise or not.  It is to look with all upon Gratitude and a kind of a calmness and say, 'Thank you for showing me. I give my Love - to this particular attitude or event or expression - to lift it up into Love!'  No, you can’t change what just happened, necessarily, but you can voice Gratitude to all involved and you can say, 'Ho'oponopono, I’m with you, I’m one with you, I feel your pain.'  Well, you don’t want to take in the pain, you can just say, 'I understand your pain and I invite you to lift up!'

"There are many, many ways that you can express, but always do it with a loving Heart, a loving mind, and coming from the knowing - the realization, the acceptance and the absolute knowing - that We Are All One!!!  And that it is together that we are facilitating, supporting and creating the entry of Planet Earth into the Higher Levels of Dimensionality, where only Love exists!

"And to put it into a more positive way, we are not focusing upon what we are leaving behind.  We are focusing upon where we’re going!  So that is why we say, put Love on everything because that helps to lift up whatever it is.  It helps to clear it from the lower vibrations that it carries and uplift it into the Higher wisdoms, the learnings, and most of all, into the Loving Energies, because that, Beloved Ones, is your ordained destiny!  That is why you’re here!!!

"So let’s get together and let’s raise our voices and our expressions as One.  And we do thank you so very, very much - infinitely in fact - for being here in this Gathering and for coming into this awareness.  There are those among you who are actually looking at the World through, shall we say, a Higher Level of vision, even now.  And in the moments to come, it is that we see upon your timelines a tremendous outpouring of Love and the Light it brings to the darkest of places!!!

"And I will tell you this.  This is fact - a scientific, spiritual fact -that when you come together as we do in these Gatherings of ours, of Ashtar On The Road, and when you project your expressions with the Highest Energies of LoveLight, you join with us, you join with the great Hearts, minds of the One We All Are, and the sum of this energy that we put forth is far greater than if you were to add up every one of us in participation!!!  Think about it – the infinite One We Are, the infinite Love, the infinite Light, focusing together is exponentially more powerful than if each individual were focusing alone!  And that, Beloved Ones, gives you an excellent reason to get together.  And if there is not one in a human body to join with you at the moment you are inspired, then call upon us and we’ll raise the level of your expressions infinitely, because you are joining with the One We All Are!

"Exercise your power!  Let your expressions be heard because together we are moving faster and faster into the glorious Golden Days of the Age to come.  And so it is!  Salut!"

* Ashtar asked that we read First They Came, by Pastor Martin Niemoeller
**Tara and Rama's A&A Report
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, January 27, 2015.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2015. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2014.  All rights reserved. 
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