YY語音"愛與光"頻道將於9/21 PM08:30集合 PM09:00冥想練習[YY頻道ID=29770],9/22 AM09:00集合 AM09:30正式冥想[YY頻道ID=77336837],歡迎各位好友們參加,YY語音官網 http://tw.yy.com
YY語音"愛與光"頻道將於9/21 PM08:30集合 PM09:00冥想練習[YY頻道ID=29770],9/22 AM09:00集合 AM09:30正式冥想[YY頻道ID=77336837],歡迎各位好友們參加,YY語音官網 http://tw.yy.com
It is never too late to turn your eyes towards Ascension, and do realize that if you feel ready you are certainly at a point where you could achieve it. It requires focus and intent to go forward, but you must understand that whether you ascend is dependent on your level of consciousness. You must apply yourself to whatever your understanding is of being at One with all life, without exception. Love is the operative word that will see you succeed, but you will need to work at it so as to overcome the very human emotions that often pull you back. You have a tendency to act first and ask questions later, so a new way of responding to situations has to be found. Forgiveness is also vital when you have been the victim of someone else's actions, even if it is not attributable to you in anyway.
Once again hello to you. I know that it is for us to create our New World, and for me that seems to be more of how I want to FEEL in it ... when living a life that I desire for myself and the betterment of all. Yet, I thought it may be nice if you could perhaps give us some things to visualise regarding what we are working towards creating. Might help us get there a little quicker!
Greetings, I am Mira. I salute you from the Earth Council and from all of us who have your welfare at heart. We have 100% of our focus on you. What is occurring on the Earth right now is monumental. Whether it is your oceans, the core of the Earth, your ecosystems, weather, drought, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, all are contributing to the realignment and balancing of the Earth's energies.
Some of these energies are impacting your personal lives in the form of relationships, finances and personal transformation. It adds up to change in the grandest sense. Many are having trouble adjusting and adapting to these major forces. The currents run strong across the planet. Everyone feels it in one way or the other. It is not making for business as usual.
Many things are coming to a head, and even disclosure may yet be first announced by unlikely sources. If it does, it will force the hand of other countries to admit what their own contacts have been. No doubt there will be a reluctance to reveal the full extent to which they have been made. However it is the time for the truth to come out, and after all much of it will simply be an acknowledgement of what is already known. No doubt National Security will be used as an excuse to hold back on information relating to agreements with Extraterrestrials, that have seen them working with the US Government in underground bases. There is also the handling and outcome of those who have been captured after being rescued from crashed craft. There is so much at stake for the dark Ones, and the truth will be revealed when the facts finally come out.
The truth is indeed stranger than fiction, you have been living in a time warp and your advancement has been deliberately held back. If the benefits of new discoveries had been passed on to you, you would have long moved through the re-growth period after the last World War. Instead you have been held to ransom by the Petroleum and Drugs Industries who have ensured that you cannot get out of their control, and have stopped any advancements to free energy and less dependence on drugs. It is not that the changes could not have been introduced, but instead those who were prepared to do it have been threatened or even worse have not dared to proceed. In time you will get to know who the perpetrators are and who has supported them.
這是一項你們為自己設置的艱苦的任務。然而你們堅持做著- 有時你們的決心變得微弱!- 意願將愛,和平與豐盛帶給地球與她的居民,然而彷彿在你們周圍,人們嘶喊著咆哮著,瘋狂的爭鬥著要保持自己或毀滅他人。要知道,萬有合一(All are one),世界的瘋狂也讓你們非常失望沮喪。
As you are undoubtedly noting, the unrest amongst the worlds population is spreading. The people are not prepared to suffer any longer for the indiscretions of the Bankers, who have caused such severe austerity measures to be brought into the countries involved. The governments are fearful of the power of the people, and know that if they persist they will be forced to find another solution to the problems. In the long run, debt forgiveness is the complete answer, but you will have to wait and see if that realization is accepted . You the people have been deliberately kept in need due to the intention to the Illuminati to make you dependent on them. This way they have been able to dictate exactly how your lives have progressed.