西藏喇嘛 ' 透視未來' 關於2012 年的外星人參與地球事件

In5D: Remote Viewing Monks See 2012 ET Intervention

Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating.


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 We like you have had to experience delays, but as long as we can still complete our tasks as planned it does not cause us much concern. We can easily adjust to the different situations we confront, but for you it means more frustration because we cannot necessarily give you anything other than the bare details of what is happening. Viewing your activities we see so many groups grasping the mantle of freedom, and doing good work that is speeding up the inevitable end of the last cabal. We shall be there to give them a final push into oblivion, so that they will no longer pose a threat to you or us. That will be the signal for us to go speeding ahead with our mission. With the best will in the world the collapse of the economy is imminent and cannot be avoided. What you are seeing is the last desperate attempts of the dark Ones to hang on to what they still have, but their power is dwindling very quickly.



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通靈:Isabel Henn

翻譯:Nick Chan

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通靈:Sharon Taphorn

翻譯:Nick Chan

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新的作業系統(Operating System)被人類的有聲語言和我們的DNA內所攜帶。

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The divine energies enveloping the planet continue to strengthen and intensify as increasing numbers of humans start opening their hearts to receive what they have been seeking for eons, namely a sense or awareness of the fact that they are eternally loved by their infinitely kind and generous Father .

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It is relatively plain sailing now, although you will have difficult periods to cope with. However, they will be short lived and having anticipated them we will ensure that they cause the minimum of inconvenience to you. Our allies are aware of how near they are to accomplishing their objectives, and as always we are behind them. You might reflect on the fact that the physical changes on Earth have been nowhere near as catastrophic as was prophesied. Some may point at the Fukushima incident, but that was not natural but a false flag attack. In fact although there have been numerous earthquakes which is quite normal, none have had what you would call really serious consequences. We have all along closely monitored such occurrences, and have minimized the after effects.


We are still very much involved with Disclosure, and already this year you have seen much more proof of our presence than previously. It is opening the way for full Disclosure, and it will come about before the end of the year. That will mark a massive change in your collective consciousness, and take you into the New Age. As you know, we have much to share with you that will move you ahead in leaps and bounds. It will be an exciting time for us all, and the illusions that you have been living under will be swept away. From various contacts with your people over the last 60 years or so, we have gradually got you to become more aware of us. Now our presence is widely known, and there can be few people that have not heard about our craft visiting your Earth.


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