天狼星的光之兄弟姐妹們所傳遞的信息:“提升 - 與宇宙的和諧”(18-8-2012)


親愛的光們,你們在地球上閃耀著光芒 – 在此我們向你們致意!我們是來自天狼星大型藍色小屋的光之兄弟姐妹。我們很高興能夠用這種方式跟你們取得聯繫。創造的偉大藍色小屋體現著合一 – 一切生命的合一。所有的生命都是在神聖的意識之內並透過它相互連繫著。有很多種形式 -有許多頻率都以不同的速度在產生共鳴 - 所有這些振動都出自於這合一和相同的意識 – 它穿越一切 -並隨處可見的處於一切。所有這一切都是神聖的意識 – 都彼此在共振著。我們想對你們提示的是,所有的頻率都來自那合一跟相同的本源。


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For you the greatest discovery is that your consciousness levels have risen quite considerably in the last few years. Knowledge is useful but not in itself your passport to Ascension. Through living the highest concept you have of yourself, you are setting your goals to become that which is your destiny. You are also helping raise the levels of the Mass Consciousness, and that attracts even more souls so that in the end a large number of you ascend. You will also find that you can rise above the pull or attraction of the lower energies. They are no longer part of you when you seek a higher expression of yourself. What did satisfy you in this lifetime is no longer necessarily fulfilling, as you have become more sensitive to that which is creating discord or discontent.


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Counter acting so much negativity and ill feeling in your world is the work of those of the light. Those who consciously work for the light for good, for freedom, for prosperity, for peace, for love, for global and universal cooperation, and those who perhaps unknowingly work for the light, but they too play an important role in your affairs and the dawning of your new age of light. Not all of you would be considered Lightworkers, for not all of you have come here for the same reasons and from the same places. There are many of you here, and almost as many different reasons why you are here at this time.

Not everyone plays for the same team, not everyone has the same goals in mind, the same future in mind for your world. Some that are here are here for reasons that concern none of this, and therefore should be left alone to their own devices , left to their own reality, for it is not our right, task or responsibility to come to them and pull them out of the confines of their reality. It is their dream just as much as you are living and experiencing your dream. Let them be. Let them live the way they planned for themselves, for they have different lessons to learn, different outcomes they wish to achieve through all of this and it would not be fair to inhibit them in any way from reaching their own goals, their own destinations, just as it would not be fair for someone to not allow you to reach your goals and your destination.

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 Turning another page in your history book we come to a very exciting and well worth waiting for chapter in your story. We have come to the point where it is now the time in your story to meet your friends, your family, your guides and your higher selves, those who have been sharing with you their wisdom, their light and their love for many long eons of time. It is time now for the curtain to rise for some of you, not for all of you, as it is not yet your time, but it will be in many cases your time very soon. You will not have too much longer to wait than the others who will get a 'head start', if you will, who will be the pioneers of this grand endeavor to bring together in reunion those from the higher dimensional worlds and you of your lower dimensional world.

The time is now upon us where these two worlds will merge, where these two worlds converge into one another. This is the crossroads. This is the next stop on your journey, and it is the stop where some of you will be getting off this ride and will begin a new journey donning a new suit of armor to ride forth into a new day with new challenges, adventures, excitement, fun and learning tools. This is where it has all been heading for many of you, and you have brothers and sisters who will now lead the way by testing the waters of what we have created to allow this merging of yourselves and of your world with those of the higher realms and the worlds that exist here beyond your limits of your site, your sound and your touch, but not beyond the limits of your imagination, and this is the key.

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Hello, I am Archangel Azrael, and many of you may know me to be an angel of death and this is true. I am there to assist in the crossing over of humans back into the spiritual realm once their time in the physical is complete. This however is not my only purpose for you see as an Archangel I am not limited by the physical and linear constraints you perceive as time and space. I am everywhere and everything. That being said, I come to you today to speak on ascension.


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 You will know that for a long time we have been working on various issues that have held up progress. Perhaps even we have underestimated how difficult some have been, but we now see that our allies are on the verge of making a sudden breakthrough. We will refrain from being too precise but this time events will be too big to hide away, and the media will be unable to continue ignoring them.


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