November 4 th Anouncement
11 月 4 日公告
Sananda channeled by James McConnell
撒南達通過James McConnell 傳導 2012 年10 月25 日
Note from James:
本文通靈渠道James 注:
Although, I always type or transcribe exactly what is channeled, I hesitated to put this date (deadline) on the Internet as these things have thus far shown to seldom come true. However, it would seem that at some point, things will have to begin in earnest and this is the first time my sources have given an exact date, so here it is. Also, I am aware that Ashtar also gave the same date of November 4th. We will know shortly if this is accurate.
儘管,我總是精確地打出或轉錄通靈傳導的內容,但是我也猶豫是否把這個日期(最後期限)放在網上,因為這些事情到目前為止很少有實現的。然而,似乎在某種程度上,事情將不得不鄭重開始,並且這是第一次我的消息源頭給出一個確切日期,所以這篇文章就貼出來了。同時,我也知道阿斯塔也給出了同樣的這個日期,11 月4 日。我們很快會知道這個信息是準確的。
I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time, in this momentous occasion, this time that is fast approaching now, times you have been waiting for, for a very long time. For long, long time ago and yes in a galaxy far, far, far away, you experienced what is called a conclave. Many of you were there if not all of you in this room and many others that will read these words, were there at that time with me and many others who were ready to experience a new evolution on this planet for the earth. Earth was calling out, earth was calling out in dyer need, that there needed to be a change, a transformation on the earth and in the earth, and those people that were there at that time, those of you that were there, you experienced a tremendous love, a love that was unbridled at that time. You were in a direct connection with the God Source. If you could remember back to this time as I am speaking these words, you will know and understand that which I speak of here. For, it was a grand time, a grand reunion, a grand union of people coming together to be of service, for that was the only thing that mattered at that time , was to be of service and you knew you were going to come to be of service to the earth and to the people of the earth. But, understand that at time many of you were called to this conclave but very few were chosen. You had to be chosen to be a part of this, you had to be of the Elect and yes it is the same as the Elect from your bible. They are one and the same. You are the Elect, you are the ones who came to be a part of this expression of the earth, to bring her out of the dark ages and into the ages of light and you each one, knew you had a tremendous up hill battle you might say.
我是撒南達,在這個時間我來與你們同在,在這個重大的時機,這個時間現在正快速接近,這個時間是你們一直等待的時間,等待了很久的時間。很久很久以前,在非常非常非常遠的星系中,你們經歷了一個所謂的秘密會議。你們中的許多人都在那裡,如果不是此時在這個房間裡的全部人以及許多其他將會閱讀這些話的人(都參加了這個會議的話),那個時間你們在那里和我在一起,和那些準備好去為了地球而在這個行星上經歷一個新的革命的其他許多人在一起。那時,地球在呼喚,地球極其需要幫助而在呼求,並且那些人那時在那裡,你們中的那些在那裡,你經歷了一個巨大的愛,那時非常強烈的愛。你們那時與源頭直接連接了。當我說起這些話的時候,如果你能夠回憶起這個時間,你將會知道並且理解我在這說的這些。因為,那時一個壯麗的時間,一個宏偉的團聚,一個人們為了服務而來到一起的宏偉的團聚,因為那是在那時唯一重要的事情,去為了服務,你知道你將會為了地球和地球人民而去服務。但是,請理解,在那時你們中的許多人被召喚去參加那個秘密會議,但是只有很少的人被選中了。為了稱為這其中的一部分,你們不得不去被選擇,你們不得不去成為上帝的選民(the Elect ),是的,它與你們聖經中上帝的選民是一樣的。他們是一個並且是相同的。你們是上帝的選民,你們是那些來成為地球的表達的一部分,來將它帶出黑暗時代,帶入光的時代,並且你們每一個人都知道你們會有大量的你們所說的上坡的戰鬥。
From the very beginning you knew that is was going to be difficult times, you knew you were going to have tremendous travails to pass through and you knew all along that your path would be very difficult to follow at times. But you also knew that there would be those who would mentor to you, those who would be within you, those who would be within earshot of you where you could reach out and speak to them and ask them for their guidance and they would lead you on and guide you. They would give you that little bit of inspiration that was needed to
carry on when it was time for that. Know and understand, that at this time and at this place and at this moment, you have reached the end of those travails, You have reached the culmination of all that you came here to do, for certainly these are the end time that have been spoken of in the bible. These are those times when you have prepared to be a part of the new expression on the earth. It was said a long time ago, by myself as Jeshua, that there would be a new heaven and a new earth, and yes that time is now. There will be a new earth, there will be a new heaven on earth, and you will be a part of that, each one of you, to be a part of this new expression, this new love that will cascade across the entire planet and it is already doing so because as we look from our vantage point we see millions of flickers of light everywhere and those lights are becoming brighter and brighter and they are spreading through the darkness that has once been there but is now fast diminishing.
So understand that those of you that came here with me in that time long ago, those of you are ready now to move and take the next step, those things that you have been brought here for, that you brought yourself here for. You are being prepared now to go into action, to go about your mission that you have been called here for. Several of you here have already been on your mission, have already been working on it, and others of you will be called very shortly to assume your position in this mission that you have taken on. Do understand as you continue this process, as you continue this journey, you have all the help from the celestial heavens that you could possibly ask for. We are all here to assist you, no one will be left behind, understand that. For as the times come very shortly, you will be experiencing that which is the Ascension process, that which has been spoken of in many different realms, from many different sources you will experience that very shortly and it will be different for all of you. All of you will have your own experience of this. Several of you have already been having those experiences and you will fast be approaching that which is the next experience for yourselves. That is my message but also understand that very shortly, very shortly indeed there is an event that is coming a special series of events that will be a part of this expression and you will each be a part of that and know it is very soon, very soon indeed because it is before your fourth of November. Remember that date, for many things are going to be changing before that and even very shortly now. When those times come, when you begin to see those changes developing you will understand that which we are speaking of here. That is my message, I am Sananda, my peace and love be with all of you.
所以,請理解,你們中的那些人和我一塊在那個很久之前的時間來到這,你們中的那些人現在已經做好準備去前進去邁出下一步,請理解你把那些東西帶到這的目的,理解你把你自己帶到這的目的。你現在正做準備去進入到行動中,去著手做你被召喚來到這要做的任務。你們中在這的一些人已經開始做你們的任務了,已經為它開始工作了,而你們中的其他人很快會被召喚去承擔你們的任務,當你繼續這個旅程的時候,你們有來自天堂的所有幫助,這些幫助你可以去請求。我們都來到這協助你,沒有人會被落在後面,請理解這一點。對於那些很快要來臨的時間,你將會經歷揚升的過程,這已經在許多不同的領域裡說起了,從不同的消息渠道聽到過,你們將很快經歷那個過程,它對你們每一個人來說會是不同的。你們每一個人都將對此擁有你們各自的體驗,你將會快速接近那個時刻,那是你們自己的下一個經歷。這是我的信息,但是也要懂得,非常快,確實非常快( very shortly, indeed very shortly ),有一個事件,將會有一系列特殊的事件,作為這個表達的一部分,你們每一個人都會是其中的一部分,要知道它非常快非常快了(very soon, very soon indeed) ,因為它在你們的11 月4 日之前。請記住那個日期,因為許多事情將會在那個日期之前改變,並且現在非常快(very shortly )了。當那些時間來臨的時候,當你開始看到那些變化發展的時候,你將會懂得我們在這說的事情。這是我的消息,我是撒南達,我的平靜和愛與你們所有人同在。
下面是“ The One Who Serves ”回答問題,原文很長,挑兩段與11 月4 日有關的翻譯:(聽眾提問,“ The One Who Serves ”回答)
“I have a question. Sananda said November 4th, did he mean that there would be an event on November 4th or the culmination”?
問:撒南達說11 月4 日,他的意思是將會在11 月4 日有一個事件或者高潮嗎?
Or before yes.
答:是的,11 月4 日或者在11 月4 日之前。
“So the understanding of the events that would occur during the time before November 4th would be fully culminated on November 4th and then we would understand what was happening”?
問:對於” 在11 月4 日之前這段時間發生的事件將會在11 月4 日完全到達高潮,然後我們將會懂得正在發生著什麼“的理解是對的嗎?
Yes, it would be in terms of many will be looking at this now, many that are not in this group that you find yourself in now but in many other groups, in mainstream you might say, and for the first time, they will take a look at this and might say 'Oh my god what is happening here what is occurring?' (Laughter) And you, those of you the lightworkers, will be on your mission at that point, if you are not already. And, you will know and understand, what you are to do, what you are about here. That will be completely obvious to you at that time, what you are to do when the time arises. For understand that times are growing very short in this process, for on the December 21stof this year 2012 there is a mass ascension coming and you are all to be a part of it, if you aren't already by that time.
答:是的,它會是就許多現在正在看這個信息的人的而言,許多不在你們所在的這個團體但是在許多其他團體,在你們所說的主流媒體,並且,第一次,他們將會看一眼這個信息,也許會說“哦,天哪,這正發生著什麼,正發生著什麼?”(笑)然後,你們,你們中的那些光之工作者,如果你們還沒有開始任務,會在那時開始你們的任務。並且,你將會知道並理解,你將要做什麼,你們在這是為了什麼。到那時,那將會對你們來說相當明顯,知道當時間來臨時你將要做什麼。對於在這個過程中時間正變得非常短了的理解,對於在今年2012 年12 月21 日將會有大規模揚升,你們所有人都將是它的一部分,如果到那時你還沒有揚升的話。
“Do you have a message from Ashtar”?
Ashtar, my brother yes. He also has said the same thing that was given by the Sananda. He has said also that there are changes coming directly in terms of even time period here. But understand that we are very reluctant to give time frames because in times past when times have been given these have not been met, but also understand that there are points of no return, there are points where these things are written in stone, so there is going to be great change coming very shortly here and the Ashtar himself is a part of this great change, as is Sananda and many, many others. For many of us, all of us have been waiting for this time period for a long time because you see, as you ascend ,you will be moving into our place and we can move further on you see? So as you are of service to us, we are of service to you. It is a synchronicity, a relationship rather, you see? Does this answer your question?
答:阿斯塔,我的兄弟,是的,我有。他也說起同樣的事情,撒南達給出的事情。他也已經說,將會有變化直接到來,甚至就這所提及的時間段而言。但是,請理解,我們非常不情願給出時間範圍,因為在過去的時間裡,當給出的時間的時候,那些沒有被滿足(實現),但是也要理解,有一些不能返回的點,有一些點,在那些點上這些事情是無法更改的(write in stone ),所以將會有偉大的變化很快即將來臨,並且阿斯塔本身也是這個偉大變化的一部分,撒南達和許多許多其他人也一樣。對於我們中的許多人,我們中的所有人,已經等待這個時間很久了,因為,你們知道,當你們揚升的時候,你們將會前進到我們的地方,並且我們能夠繼續前進,你們明白嗎?所以,因為你們服務於我們,我們服務於你。它是同步的,一個關係,你明白嗎?
“ I have a quick question in reference to November 4th. I don't see anything in the mainstream”.
問:“關於11 月4 日,我有一個簡單的問題。我們沒有在主流媒體看到任何事情啊。”
And that is a good thing.
譯註:第一次看這個通靈消息渠道的文章,不了解是否可靠。我也和大家一樣的心情,看到具體日期都不太敢翻譯了。搜了一下,這個通靈消息渠道一直有消息發表,不是突然蹦出來的。 和galactic free press 兩個網站都有轉載這個通靈渠道的信息。其餘留給大家分辨吧,祝福。
轉載自“ xiaohaozi0716 新浪博客”