目前分類:愛與光 (117)
- Oct 27 Sat 2012 19:50
- Oct 27 Sat 2012 19:45
通靈:Méline Lafont
翻譯:Nick Chan
Precious Hearts of mine, I go by the name of Lady Portia and I greet you all sincerely and respectfully with an abundance of Love and Light. I welcome you all in my enlightened energy and Presence as the I AM that I AM. I bless you all and you may take my word for it that I love you all so immensely deep with all of my heart!
- Oct 27 Sat 2012 19:40
【撒南達‧耶穌】2012年10月25日【11月4日公告】《 將會有一個新地球》
November 4 th Anouncement
11 月 4 日公告
Sananda channeled by James McConnell
撒南達通過James McConnell 傳導 2012 年10 月25 日
Note from James:
- Oct 27 Sat 2012 19:34
Michael channeled by Ron Head
大天使邁克爾通過Ron Head 傳導 2012 年10 月26 日
Greetings, dear friends. Let us begin a conversation on the subject of communication. You are at both a disadvantage and a marked advantage in your communication with us. On the one hand, you have no material source that you can point to and say, “This is where the information comes from.” On the other, you are learning the true source of all ideas and concepts, and also how to tap into the infinite field of knowledge and wisdom that is available to all of you.
- Oct 26 Fri 2012 23:02
- Oct 26 Fri 2012 19:45
Gaia upgrade nears completion
原文: http://gaiaportal.wordpress.com/2012/10/25/gaia-upgrade-nears-completion/
- Oct 26 Fri 2012 19:38
- Oct 25 Thu 2012 22:56
- Oct 25 Thu 2012 20:28
- Oct 25 Thu 2012 19:54
- Oct 25 Thu 2012 19:49
Michael channeled by Ron Head
大天使邁克爾通過Ron Head 傳導 2012 年 10 月 24 日
- Oct 24 Wed 2012 20:07
Michael channeled by Ron Head
大天使邁克爾通過Ron Head 傳導 2012 年10 月22 日
We will speak today about what you may expect between now and the next portal opening. First, let us congratulate you on a very successful joining yesterday as you made world-wide intention for peace and freedom.
- Oct 22 Mon 2012 20:11
- Oct 22 Mon 2012 20:01
- Oct 22 Mon 2012 19:47

- Oct 21 Sun 2012 22:57
通靈:Isabel Henn
翻譯:Nick Chan
My Beloved, we are facing a new portal which will bring you more energies. Yes, we too, because we manage and monitor the opening of the portals and the energies that are guided through it. You all will be able to feel them, without exception. The number of those who will now be awakened, rises again, including Starseeds and Lightworkers who have missed their wake-up-call until now, or whose time has come. They are required for the further cleaning processes.
- Oct 21 Sun 2012 19:42
通靈:Ron Head
翻譯:Nick Chan
We welcome you this day into a new window of opportunity. Tomorrow humans will gather in meditation and visualization of the moving of humanity and your beautiful earth into the New Earth of freedom and prosperity. Spend this day, therefore, in preparation for this event.
- Oct 19 Fri 2012 23:31
The divine schedule for humanity's awakening was established the instant your apparent separation from Reality occurred. Your Father could not let you delve into the mysteries of the unreality that you had invented, and presented as real to your collective mind, without ensuring that you could never get permanently lost there.
The Light of His Love was securely installed in each individual who chose to go with the collective into the illusion, and the timescale for your return was laid down, but with an enormous degree of flexibility built in to allow for any diversions or distractions which you might choose to engage with as you journeyed along your homeward path.
- Oct 19 Fri 2012 20:18

- Oct 18 Thu 2012 20:48